Alex Vaughan (pronouns: they/them) is trans, nonbinary and queer.

Picture to upper right is Alex and their wife, Kim, in the yellow dress with dark brown hair.

Before we have words about who we are, we have movement. As a kid, Alex loved making up dances in the living room which they still get to do as a certified group fitness instructor, teaching thousands of people every year in their dance fitness classes. Tumbling freely in the backyard and riding their bike as fast as they could down the neighborhood streets is a favorite childhood memory. By the time Alex hit college, their participation in various styles of movement gave them the mindset and physical ability to compete with Ohio State University on the rowing team while capitvating audiences as a drag performer.

Alex has dedicated their life to understanding what it means and feels to “live well”. As an queer/trans human, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Group Fitness Instructor, Level 1 Reiki Practitioner and ACE Advanced Health Coach, Alex enjoys focusing on the care and needs of the LGBTQIA+ community and allies.

Everyone’s wellness and health is tied to their identity.

Accenture reports that businesses will leave over 1 trillion dollars on the table by not creating inclusive cultures. People want to do right and well. The tricky part can be learning why it’s important, how it applies to their life and how to do it.

Participating in fitness taught Alex how to tuck and roll to come out, to live openly at age 40 as trans and queer. Alex teaches and coaches others how to live like an ally to themselves and others.

It starts with being honest with ourselves.

What does Alex bring?

A trans, noncis, nonbinary lens to the fitness experience.

Allyship IS the lifestyle. Simple, not easy.

Your classes, your business, and your clients are depending on you.

Keep your classes coming back for more because they feel seen, heard, valued and acknowledged in the compassion and empathy of your presence.

Stand tall knowing the big flex is expanding your mind’s eye, staying curious and maintaining your growth mindset as we redefine wellness as a society.

Whether you have been in the fitness industry for decades or just getting started, creating inclusive classes where people feel like they belong is crucial to building community and staying connected.

In training, participants will learn to:

  • Speak using inclusive language to classes and clients

  • Know the why behind it

  • Create connections between identity and health/wellness

  • Train applying basic fitness principles

  • Recognize how to identify performative practices

  • Give people the gift of space where they can move their bodies into healing

  • And also…learn how to stand tall when you trip over your own words or drop the bar on your face (because it happens)

Start somewhere. Anywhere!

Download Alex’s guide to begin a journey in training like an ally by listening to lived experience.

Want Alex to come to train your teams with the full curriculum for your fitness pros? I offer 3, 6 or 9 hour trainings. Details here

Contact Alex: